Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 6 --- 11 September 2009

I am a week in Johannesburg. My stay was very nice and exciting but not the end it won't be nice but sad.

I was just thinking this morning that they are leaving again. And it not nice feeling, seeing them go. I would tell you guys how many times i said good bye to them already.

1. South Africa - London -
2. Syria - South Africa
3. Johannesburg - Cape Town
4. Cape Town - Johannesburg
5. Johannesburg - Senegal/ Mauritania

And how many more time would i say good bye it's so unfair every time they are taken away the kids. When i see them again they well be big and i well be old maybe married or not...

I was the whole day at my sister place. They got there passports so there no delaying. I fell asleep i think after 1 pm then i woke up at 3. It was nice just to take a nap then my niece was sleepy she just came to me and she put her head on my shoulder and fast asleep. And she still sleeping.

We are going to break fast at the people in front my sister stays at.

There is still lots of stuff to be packed a way or just to be cleared. That's the thing when you get married have kids an please settle down get a house. if you don't do this you be just like my sister just storing all her things what she can't take with...

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